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Ekstra bladet side 9 kalender 2015

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Vil du lære Julie bedre at kende? Retrieved 17 December 2014.

Retrieved 27 April 2015. Du køber det elektroniske gavekort hos os og skriver en tekst, som modtageren skal have med, så sender vi en mail med et link til gavekortet og din tekst - på den måde er det fremme inden for få minutter.

- Circulation Ekstra Bladet's readership and circulation has declined in recent years, and continues to do so. Bøgerne er ikke brugte.

Bøger på vej Her finder du et udvalg af kommende danske bogudgivelser. Bøgerne er nogen vi allerede har forhandlet pris på. Derfor kan vi sætte en ekstra god pris før udgivelsen. Hvis du forudbestiller en bog hos os, skal vi nok gøre alt hvad vi kan for at du modtager bogen på udgivelsesdagen. Hvis en bog skulle blive billigere frem mod udgivelsen, får du den selvfølgelig til den laveste pris. Pengene bliver først hævet fra dit betalingskort når vi afsender din ordre. Nye bogudgivelser Det kan være svært at holde styr på de mange spændende danske bøger, som udkommer hver dag. Her har vi prøvet at gøre det nemmere for dig, at få et overblik. Vi har nemlig samlet de bogudgivelser, som vi mener er de største og mest interessante du kan stadig finde andre udgivelser ved at søge på siden. Mange af bøgerne har vi har købt hjem i stort antal, for at kunne sætte prisen så lavt som muligt. Udsalgsbøger Denne kategori indeholder bøger som vi mener skal fremhæves, fordi de er ENDNU billigere end resten af bøgerne i vores katalog. Bøgerne er typisk rester fra udsalget i vores fysiske butik, eller restpartier vi har købt billigt. Bøgerne er ikke brugte. Priser gælder så længe eget lager haves. Brætspil Få ting kan samle familien som et brætspil. Eller få den til at bekrige hinanden indædt. Men brætspil er ikke kun til regnvejrsdage i sommerhuset, de er også eminente læringsredskaber til børn, der ved hjælp af dem kan lege sig til at lære at stave, regne og tænke strategisk. Også de voksne kan få noget ud af at tage brætspillene frem og lære nye sider af hinanden at kende - om det så er i parforholdet eller i vennekredsen. Økologisk garn fra Karen Klarbæk Lækkert økologisk bomuldsgarn i god kvalitet og farver, det er let at matche, til en pris, hvor alle kan være med. Så simpelt er konceptet for Karen Klarbæks garn. Karen Klarbæk har strikket og hæklet i årevis og er blevet noget af en guru i det danske strikke- og hæklemiljø, så fra sine workshops og sit arbejde som indkøber i landsdækkende butikskæder ved hun, hvad det er, brugerne efterspørger. Og det kan hun altså levere nu, og vi er glade for at kunne præsentere vores kunder for hendes gode garn. Gavekort Giv et boggavekort, hvis du ved, at den, der skal have gaven, læser, men ikke nødvendigvis hvad. Eller giv et gavekort, hvis du er lidt for sent ude, til at vi kan nå at få bogen hjem og sendt til den, der skal have gaven. Du køber det elektroniske gavekort hos os og skriver en tekst, som modtageren skal have med, så sender vi en mail med et link til gavekortet og din tekst - på den måde er det fremme inden for få minutter. ISBN-13: 9788740023046 I Slap dog af - Linses guide til et skønt liv giver Brygge-dronningen Linse Kessler ærlige og bramfrie bud på, hvordan man får det bedste ud af livet! Efter den store succes med biografien Linse - jeg gør hvad jeg vil, der er solgt i 25. ISBN-13: 9788740023374 Linse - jeg gør, hvad jeg vil handler om den farverige bryggetøs Linse Kessler. Linse, der er kendt fra TV3s reality-hit ´Familien fra Bryggen´, fortæller nu hele historien om sit barske og eventyrlige liv. Om at være barn med en tørstig mor og blive hurtig voksen. En vild ungdom som hashsmugler,... ISBN-13: 9788740039610 Ståle Solbakken har i to omgange været cheftræner i FC København. I denne bog inviterer han for første gang nogensinde læseren med ind bag kulisserne, hvor han lægger taktikken, forhandler... ISBN-13: 9788777312083 For første gang fortæller verdens største rockband deres egen historie, fortalt i egne ord og private billeder. Bogen indvier læseren i bandets enestående karriere, der begyndte, da Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton og Larry Mullen mødtes i Larrys køkken en skæbnesvanger dag i september 1976. ISBN-13: 9788740030372 I Drabschefen - nye sager fortæller tidligere drabschef for Københavns Politi, Ove Dahl, om efterforskningsarbejdet ved de mest opsigtsvækkende mord, han har stået i spidsen for at opklare. Han beskriver en række nye sager, der har domineret i medierne, og hvis råhed og brutalitet har gjort et... ISBN-13: 9788740030365 Vi kender ham fra de store drabssager som Drabschef Ove dahl, Københavns Politi, der fortæller sidste nyt fra efterforskningen. Gennen sin 34-årige karriere i politiet har Ove Dahl set det meste - og der værste. Nu fortæller han for første gang selv om nogle af de mest spektakulære sager, som han... ISBN-13: 9788777313578 I foråret 2008 rystede en makaber afsløring hele verden: Josef Fritzl fra Østrig havde holdt sin egen datter Elisabeth indespærret i en kælder i 24 år, voldtaget hende og gjort hende gravid seks gange. Seks af børnene overlevede; den syvende brændte han i husets varmefyr. Indtil nu har omverdenen... ISBN-13: 9788740019742 I 10 år har Morten Ingemann underholdt med sine Og det var Danmark-striber. I Mine favoritter har han udvalgt de 100 striber, som han selv sætter størst pris på. Han fortæller personligt og engageret, hvorfor lige netop de striber har en helt særlig betydning. Blandt de 100 striber finder du de... ISBN-13: 9788777312786 Sømænd af verden indfanger de seneste 40 års danske drømme om America´s Cup, som de største udenlandske hold hver især bruger én milliard kroner på at vinde. Men først og fremmest sætter bogen fokus på de store økonomiske udfordringer og interne magtkampe i dansk sejlsport og erhvervsliv, som... ISBN-13: 9788777313592 En uge i august 2008 gjorde Jonas Warrer og Martin Kirketerp dansk sejlsport til midlertidig nationalsport. Deres guldkamp på vandet ved OL i Kina blev legenes største drama. Trods en knækket mast, spanske protester og sure miner over lånet af en kroatisk båd sejlede de to guldet hjem i deres... ISBN-13: 9788777313257 26-årige Jens Peter Skov Jensen var sømand ombord på den danske coaster Danica White, da skibet blev bordet og kapret af pirater ud for Somalias kyst den 1. Det blev startskuddet til 83 dage i helvede.


Netavisen har egen redaktion og er altså ikke en elektronisk udgave af papiravisen. I 2008 sagde Poul Madsen offentligt, at Side 9-pigen havde overlevet sig selv som fænomen og med al internetpornoen var blevet overflødig. Vi har nemlig north de bogudgivelser, som vi mener er de største og mest interessante du kan stadig finde andre udgivelser ved at søge på siden. Her får netavisens præsenteret deres. Det har også herhjemme sat gang i debatten om den danske version: Nemlig Side 9-pigen i Ekstra Bladet. Custodes en knækket mast, spanske protester og sure miner over lånet af en kroatisk båd sejlede de to guldet hjem i deres. During the last six months of 1957 the paper had a circulation of 68,178 copies on weekdays. Retrieved: 23 September 2010.

0 Tovább

Tv2 natholdet bingo

TV Bingo

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Ulykken skete, da politiet bedte to mænd, der opholdt sig på taget om at komme ned. Sådan som vi altid har spillet banko. Det blev umådeligt populært, ikke mindst blandt unge mennesker, primært på grund af de mange store gevinster, der blev spillet om, hvor der var en brugt bil som hovedpræmie.

Spil med på 6 plader hver dag i 4 uger for kun 3 kr. Du kan købe plader fra 0 til 30 kr. For at spille med i SIFA TV-bingo skal du være medlem af SIFA-klubben.

TV Bingo - Læs med her på Bingosiden for at få de to mest populære spil bingo på TV.

Natholdet: Hør Bingo-deltager rase over natholdet sifa bingo præmieDe forkerte numre i SIFAs TV-bingo - YouTube Natholdet - TV Bingo er bare godt tv! DK4, TV2 og SIFA SIFA TV-Bingo er formentlig et af de mest — hvis ikke det natholdet sifa bingo mest — populære bingospil.. Vil du spille TV Bingo koster det 24 kr. Spillet er det gode gamle bankospil: 90 tal, 3 rækker på hver plade og 5 tal i hver række. Sådan som vi altid har spillet banko. Vi trækker 48 vindertal i hvert spil. Sommer, sol og SIFA! Ny, dejlig uge med hyggelig TV Bingo på DK4. Spil med på 6 plader hver dag i 4 uger for kun 3 kr. Spillene dag for dag Her kan du se mere om spillene de enkelte dage, ligesom du kan se præmier og sendetider! Log ind Brugernavn Adgangskode Cookies er ikke slået til. Du skal slå cookies til for at du kan logge ind Glemt adgangskode? Har du brug for hjælp er vi klar ved telefonerne. Ring til os på: Tlf: 98 12 46 88 Vores telefoner er altid åbne for salg af TV-Bingo plader 1 time før vores TV-udsendelser. Øvrige telefontider: Mandag til torsdag: 9-11 og 14-16Fredag: 9-12 www. DK4 bingo - Spil bingo i TV og få chancen for at vinde præmier hos DK4 bingo Vidste du dette om bingo?


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0 Tovább

Masa?a zadar forum

The Forum

❤️ Click here: Masa?a zadar forum

University comprises 25 departments with more than 6. Attacks on the city continued until in 1995. Contribuția dumneavoastră trebuie să vă aparțină. In the bombardments during the Second World War entire blocks were destroyed, but some structures survived.

The city proper covers 25 km 2 9. The city was repeatedly invaded by Venice between 1111 and 1154 and then once more between 1160 and 1183, when it finally rebelled, appealing to the Pope and to the Croato-Hungarian throne for protection. It represents a very developed example of the forum complex, and is one of the most important among the Adriatic ancient cities.

The Forum - Except being the administrative center of the province, agriculture, industry of liqueurs and trade were developed, many brotherhoods were established, similar to the Central European trade guilds.

I have spent 10 days in and have enjoyed every moment... What surprises me is on my return to the U. K is, if people ask me where i have been and i say Zadar i always have to explain where it is... We have been twice to ,in June and September. I cannot praise enough Zadar and its beautiful surroundings! Zadar has plenty of historic interest,though it is not perfectly-preserved unlike , or ;but it is a very friendly and welcoming city,and its bars and cafes are excellent and not expensive. Ferries can be taken to many offshore islands at dirt-cheap prices. Can recommend visit to lovely town of ,the beautiful ,and one of the many excellent and very good value boat-trips to Kornati or Telascica. As others have commented,so few in Britain have heard of Zadar. We plan to visit 2 nights , 3nights , 3 nights and 1-2 nights. We have 3-4 to four nights to decide on where to go. Option 1 would be to extend our stay on the islands and in split, 2 spend time in zadar and Sibeneik and 3 would be to drive to and Rijek. We fly in and out of. I'd love to see Pula and Rijeck, but it's a bit of a drive and wasn't sure how much there was to see in and Sibeneik. Any help would be great! It's hard to decide, but I loved! There's a Roman colosseum there. Also, consider a day trip from to Varazdin, it's only an hour away, close to the Hungarian border, and a beautiful baroque town!

Forum - Sto ti poklonit
Already by the masa?a zadar forum of the 3rd century Zadar had its own bishop and founding of its Christian community took place; a new religious centre was built north of the forum together with a basilica and a baptistery, as well as other ecclesiastical buildings. An ethnonym graphic Jaderani from the resistance of in the 9th century, was identical to the initial form Zadъrane, or Croatian Zadrani. In 1202, Zadar by thewhich was helped by the. Under French rule 1806—1810the first Dalmatian newspaper was published in Zadar. These attempts were met with persecution and confiscation. It was the first institute of higher learning in the country.

0 Tovább

Locali speed date bari

Speed Date a Bari: tanti incontri, molti sguardi e ho trovato un grande amore, lungo tre minuti

❤️ Click here: Locali speed date bari

Io ho provato con loro. Most speed dating companies range from three to ten minutes per date, with the entire evening's dates lasting approximately two or three hours. Sam: Who has urine trouble?

Good-Looking Guy: Well, I was, but I quit modeling 'cause now I'm a lead singer in this really cool band, and we-- Freddie: Carly would hate you. Austin: I was just gonna say that to you. Carly and Freddie dancing in iSpeed Date. Laura e Stefania sono ai poli opposti.

Speed date - Most speed dating companies range from three to ten minutes per date, with the entire evening's dates lasting approximately two or three hours.

Continue to 2 of 7 below. The length of time spent with each of the people you meet at a speed dating event is determined by the organizers. Some companies have the length of time baked into their business name such as Eight Minute Dates , whereas others use the number of people such as 25 Dates. Most speed dating companies range from three to ten minutes per date, with the entire evening's dates lasting approximately two or three hours. Some speed dating companies also offer mixers before and after the speed dating event. Continue to 3 of 7 below. Several studies, including one called Mate Preferences in Action Kurzban, 2005 , have discovered that most people who attend speed dating events have decided whether or not they are interested in the person sitting across the table from them within three seconds of sitting down. So, in reality, it doesn't really matter what you talk about because the non-verbal communication between two people is what matters. But if you want to up your chances of getting a date after the event, the same study showed that people who spoke about travel-related topics got more dates from speed dating events than the people who spoke about movies. Most speed dating companies will give you a sheet of paper with spaces for each person's first name and a tickbox next to it. After each individual speed date, write down the person's name who you just met. If you'd like to go on a longer, private date with them outside of the speed dating event, tick the checkbox. If you aren't interested in getting to know them better, do nothing. And the end of the night you'll be asked to hand in this paper. If someone else showed interest that you were also interested in, the speed dating company will then provide the two of you with some form of contact information usually email to initiate another date. Continue to 5 of 7 below. If the location is casual and laid-back, to that place. But if the location is upscale, trendy or high-end, make sure to choose your clothes accordingly. Also, think about what message you want to present on a with ten or more people. Most people will want to groom themselves attractively with something special to focus on, while avoiding any appearance that would make them think they're trashy or inappropriate. Above all, be yourself. Which can understandably be difficult in a high-stress situation such as a first date, multiplied by however many people you're meeting in one evening. But being yourself is crucial to speed dating success, especially if you are looking for a long-term, committed relationship. Would you want to meet a bunch of people who were putting on a face just to get another date? So by being as comfortable as you can, you'll be secure in knowing that everyone else you are meeting is seeing the real you, and if they want to meet you again outside of the speed dating event, it is because they are genuinely interested. Continue to 7 of 7 below. You'll most likely find a company or two or more if you live in a high population area.

If you aren't interested in getting to know them glad, do nothing. Freddie was stuck with Malika because he took too long to reply to Jamie and Ariana. Deciding to leave them alone, Sam exits without a word with a hurt expression on her face. And pay for it. Austin: What's your deal. Un modo u e veloce per stringere tante nuove amicizie in una sola serata. Austin: What-- Carly: Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!. Inoltre forniamo informazioni sul modo in cui utilizzi il nostro sito ai nostri partner che si locali speed date bari di analisi dei dati web, pubblicità e social media, i quali potrebbero combinarle con altre informazioni che hai fornito loro o che hanno raccolto in u al tuo utilizzo dei loro servizi. Sarà lo staff di Speed Date, controllate le schede, a scambiare i contatti di chi ha espresso reciprocamente il gradimento. So, I'd rather be alone and crotchety. After each individual speed date, write down the person's name who you solo met. Continue to 3 of 7 below.

0 Tovább

Borderline personality disorder lack of sex

Borderline Personality and Sexuality

❤️ Click here: Borderline personality disorder lack of sex

He enjoyed us spending umpteen hours together he was the exact opposite of what I ever had!! She will hear a therapist of councilor right away. Instead we are to wait until they are cutting themselves, engaging in risky sex, taking drugs, reckless spending, etc.

True to diagnostic form, I've had trouble with relationships. Significant impairments in personality functioning manifest by: 1. In a 2008 study, we examined 76 women outpatients in an internal medicine clinic regarding their sexual histories e.

Borderline Personality and Sexuality - Three years later she told me she would take me back in a minute. The borderline has a similar cognitive dissonance.

Kernberg, in , 2001 3 A Psychostructural Nosology Borderline personality organization is characterized by lack of integration of the concept of self and significant others, that is, identity diffusion, a predominance of primitive defensive operations centering around splitting, and maintenance of reality testing. The defensive operations of splitting and its derivatives projective identification, denial, primitive idealization, omnipotence, omnipotent control, devaluation have as a basic function to maintain separately the idealized and persecutory internalized object relations derived from the early developmental phases predating object constancy: that is, when aggressively determined internalizations strongly dominate the internal world of object relations, in order to prevent the overwhelming control or destruction of ideal object relations by aggressively infiltrated ones. This primitive constellation of defensive operations centering around splitting thus attempts to protect the capacity to depend on good objects and escape from terrifying aggression. Reality testing, as mentioned before, is present in borderline personality organization. It refers to the capacity to differentiate self from nonself, intrapsychic from external stimuli and to maintain empathy with ordinary social criteria of reality, all of which are typically lost in the psychoses, and manifested particularly in hallucinations and delusions Kernberg 1984. All patients with psychotic personality organization really represent atypical forms of psychosis. Therefore, strictly speaking, psychotic personality organization represents an exclusion criterion for the personality disorders in a clinical sense. Borderline personality organization includes all the severe personality disorders in clinical practice. Typical personality disorders included here are the borderline personality disorder in the DSM IV sense, the schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders, the paranoid personality disorder, the hypomanic personality disorder, hypochondriasis a syndrome which has many characteristics of a personality disorder proper , the narcissistic personality disorder including the syndrome of malignant narcissism , and the antisocial personality disorder. All these patients present identity diffusion, the manifestations of primitive defensive operations, and many evince varying degrees of superego deterioration antisocial behavior. A particular group of patients typically suffer from significant disorganization of the superego, namely, the narcissistic personality disorder, the syndrome of malignant narcissism, and the antisocial personality disorder. All the personality disorders within the borderline spectrum present, because of the identity diffusion, severe distortions in their interpersonal relations—particularly problems in intimate relations with others, lack of consistent goals in terms of commitment to work or profession, uncertainty and lack of direction in their lives in many areas, and varying degrees of pathology in their sexual life. They often present an incapacity to integrate tenderness and sexual feelings, and they may show a chaotic sexual life with multiple polymorphous perverse infantile tendencies. The most severe cases, however, may present with a generalized inhibition of all sexual responses. All these patients also evince nonspecific manifestations of ego weakness, that is, lack of anxiety tolerance, of impulse control, and of sublimatory functioning in terms of an incapacity for consistency, persistence, and creativity in work. An additional group of personality disorders also presents the characteristics of borderline personality organization, but these patients are able to maintain more satisfactory social adaptation, and are usually more effective in obtaining some degree of intimacy in object relations and in integrating sexual and tender impulses. Thus, in spite of presenting identity diffusion, they also evince sufficient nonconflictual development of some ego functions, superego integration, and a benign cycle of intimate involvements, capacity for dependency gratification, and a better adaptation to work that make for significant quantitative significant differences. This group includes the cyclothymic personality, the sadomasochistic personality, the infantile or histrionic personality, and the dependent personalities, as well as some better functioning narcissistic personality disorders. The next level of personality disorder, namely, neurotic personality organization, is characterized by normal ego identity and the related capacity for object relations in depth, ego strength reflected in anxiety tolerance, impulse control, sublimatory functioning, effectiveness and creativity in work, and a capacity for sexual love and emotional intimacy disrupted only by unconscious guilt feelings reflected in specific pathological patterns of interaction in relation to sexual intimacy. Personality disorders: their mutual relationships What follows is a summary of the psychoanalytically based psychotherapy for borderline personality organization as developed and manualized by a team of psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, and researchers at the Department of Psychiatry of the Cornell University Medical College Clarkin et al. Buysse, in , 2009 Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline personality disorder as defined by the DSM-IV encompasses a number of symptoms of other psychiatric disorders, including major depression. In numerous studies of borderline personality disorder, it has been shown repeatedly that the sleep architecture changes are very similar to those observed in patients with major depression. Subjects with borderline personality disorder frequently have symptoms of depression and have been shown to have abnormalities of other biological markers associated with depression. Borderline patients are dreaded for their impulsivity, swings from love to hate, and maddening irrationality. They split the world into exaggerated dichotomies of good and evil. An interpersonal middle ground does not exist. These patients, by some combination of innate rage and inept parenting, cannot find a moderate position in any aspect of mental life. On Axis II, at least 20% of borderline patients receive an additional personality disorder diagnosis. Of these Axis I—plus—Axis II patients, some have remission of borderline symptoms when their affective disorder is treated or when active alcohol abuse stops, again confusing the validity of the diagnosis. Because it is more closely related to management, differential diagnosis is discussed in a later section. Regardless of subtype or co-morbid diagnosis, however, borderline patients can abruptly flee treatment or develop psychotic transference and delusions about their caregivers. Although the relation of borderline personality to schizophrenia has long been debated, 14, 33—35 it is likely that if there is a border with a biological illness, it is closer to affective illness 36—39 without being completely tangential to it. Innate intolerance to anxiety and a constitutional tendency toward rage are accepted even by psychoanalytic theorists regarding borderline personality. The patient does not learn to tolerate negative affects associated with separation 48, 49; this continues the child's clinging into adulthood, as if others were desperately needed parts of the self. She could not let the child separate because of her own fears of being alone. In borderline personality, the boundaries between the self and others are blurred, so that closeness seems to threaten fusion. Sexuality and dependency are confused with aggression. Needs are experienced as rage. Long-term relationships disintegrate because of an inability to find optimal interpersonal distance. Because of inadequate ego mechanisms of defense, there is little ability to master painful feelings or to channel needs or aggression into creative outlets. Ambivalence is poorly tolerated. Impulse control is dismal. The patient has a fragmented mental picture of the self and views others as all bad and simultaneously all potent, a chaotic mixture of shameful and grandiose images. This association with sexual abuse is seen as variously explaining phenomena ranging from a propensity toward dissociative psychotic-like episodes, rage, sexual disorders, psychotic—erotic transferences in psychotherapy, and self-mutilation all the way to the co-morbidity of borderline personality with multiple personality and with eating disorders. The literature on abuse does have the important effect of spotlighting the relationship between borderline phenomena and dissociation, something the older literature underemphasized. Although the linkage to childhood sexual abuse is still being worked out, it is clear that a significant number of borderline patients, when asked to give a history of such abuse, do so up to 33% of nonclinical populations and 57% of borderline psychiatric inpatients 59 ; this has to be taken into account in management. Ashton, in , 2013 8. There is a pattern of impulsive behavior—including drug and alcohol abuse, eating binges, spending sprees, or sexual escapades—and also of self-harming behaviors, including self-mutilation or suicide attempts. The borderline person tends to be extremely moody and temperamental, and has little sense of personal identity or of meaning in life. Saß, in , 2001 7. The affective outbursts usually take place under conditions which are perceived as threatening, such as real or imagined abandonment or rejection. Especially characteristic for borderline personality disorder is an alternating lifelong pattern of impulsively inflicting harm on oneself or others, including self-inflicted wounds, bulimic binge-and-purge attacks, periods of excessive alcohol consumption, or fights. Repetitive suicide threats and attempts are common. Unlike antisocial personalities, most patients try to restrain or suppress their impulses, although these attempts often fail. This leads to unpredictable swings between a tense holding back of affective impulses on the one hand and sudden outbursts on the other. Predominant emotions are dysphoria, anxiety, anger, and chronic feelings of emptiness. Borderline personality disorder patients are furthermore characterized by a highly unstable image and perception of themselves, which can also include aspects of gender identity, deficient orientation and plans for the future, as well as indiscriminate choice of social groups or partners. In their unstable and intense interpersonal relationships they often alternate between extremes of idealization and devaluation splitting. A last and important area are the transient, stress-related dissociative or pseudo psychotic symptoms or paranoid ideas see Borderline Personality Disorder. Tryon, in , 2014 Personality Disorders Borderline personality disorder BPD is characterized by affect dysregulation Gratz et al. Affect dysregulation also characterizes histrionic and narcissistic personality disorders, and therefore alexithymia is expected to be related to them as well. Having few if any words to describe emotions, alexithymia, makes affect regulation difficult if not impossible. In sum, people with various personality disorders are relatively high in alexithymia which is to say low in psychological mindedness, which makes increasing psychological mindedness a psychotherapeutic goal for all of them. Rajan Darjee, Kate M Davidson, in , 2010 Cluster B Borderline personality disorder is characterised by emotional instability, impulsivity, self-image problems, and unstable and intense interpersonal relationships. These individuals often present to clinical services due to self-harm, mood disturbance or psychotic-like symptoms. Borderline personality disorder often coexists with antisocial, histrionic, narcissistic, dependent and avoidant personality disorders. Differentiating this personality disorder from mood disorders and psychotic disorders can be problematic, and comorbidity with these mental illnesses is not uncommon. Antisocial personality disorder, as defined in DSM-IV, is characterised by conduct disorder in childhood and adolescence, developing as an adult persistent violation of social norms, disregard for the rights of others, impulsivity, irritability, irresponsibility, deceitfulness and lack of remorse. Dissocial personality disorder, as defined in ICD-10, places more weight on interpersonal and emotional characteristics, rather than antisocial behaviour. Psychopathy see below , as defined by Cleckley 1941 and Hare 1991 , overlaps with both of these, but is a narrower concept. Although some use the three terms interchangeably, as defined in the classification systems and here, they are not equivalent to each other. Although over-represented in populations of offenders, many persistent offenders do not have the disorder, and not all those with the disorder are persistent offenders. However, personality pathology is heterogeneous in offenders, and antisocial personality disorder frequently coexists with features of other personality disorders, including histrionic, narcissistic, histrionic and paranoid traits. Histrionic personality disorder is characterised by emotionality, attention-seeking and self-centredness. Such individuals tend to be flirtatious, provocative, sensation seeking and dramatic, leading to problems in intimate and non-intimate relationships. The disorder is frequently found alongside borderline, antisocial, dependent and narcissistic traits. Narcissistic personality disorder is characterised by grandiosity, arrogance, lack of empathy and need for admiration. Such individuals may have a fragile self-esteem, easily perceive criticism, and react to perceived slights with feelings of humiliation, leading to rage or disdain. They demand admiration but show little recognition of others, and they have a sense of entitlement. There is an overlap between narcissistic personality disorder and the interpersonal features of psychopathy see below. Frequently associated personality disorders include borderline, histrionic, paranoid and antisocial. Shulman, in , 2015 Borderline Personality Disorder The borderline personality is the other personality disorder that has genetic inheritability. With a prevalence of 2% of the population, it accounts for 10% of patients seen in outpatient mental health centers. It is also five times more common in first-degree relatives of those with borderline personality disorder. The characteristics of the borderline personality include a marked and persistent identity disturbance, chronic feelings of emptiness and boredom, and intense unstable personal relationships. The borderline tends to have difficulty tolerating being alone, and will fear abandonment. They are highly impulsive, and may engage in self-mutilating behavior, have recurring suicidal threats, and manipulate others to meet their immediate needs. The borderline also tends toward having an intense unstable affect mood, display inappropriate anger, have perceptual distortions, and under great stress may depersonalize. They see the self as justified; since they feel intolerably bad, they are entitled to go by impulse instead of common sense, and entitled to soothe themselves. Their fictitious goal is to do whatever they want as they cannot be happy by how others do it. Their methods are protean, and include splitting, primitive idealization, projective identification, denial, and devaluation. The borderline personality is not a cooperator. Their impairments include affective instability, anxiety and panic, and engaging in self-harmful behaviors. These impairments may cause significant interference in social or occupational functioning. Buckley, in , 2015 4. BPD is considered to be a prolonged disturbance of personality function characterized by depth and variability of moods. It is often comorbid in patients who have a diagnosis of depression. Although the etiology is not clear, twin studies have highlighted the potential for genetic predisposition to BPD Distel et al. Dysfunction within the dopaminergic system, which is involved in cognitive and emotional processing and the regulation of impulsive behaviors, has been associated with BPD symptoms Friedel, 2004. This has been demonstrated in animal research which suggests that repeated exposure to social stress has long-term effects on DAT density Lucas et al. These studies highlight the role of the dopaminergic system, in particular the DAT, in the neurobiology of BPD. It has been shown that DAT1 VNTR genotypes may confer a significant genetic risk factor, with BPD patients having higher frequencies of the DAT1 9,9 and 9,10 genotypes Joyce et al. However, others have deduced no association between the DAT1 polymorphisms and BPD, but did find significance after independent replication with the dopamine D4 receptor polymorphism -616 CC and borderline traits in young adults Nemoda et al.

BPD and Sex
Eating disorders are common. Compared to those without BPD i. It's the way you view, understand and relate to the outside world, as well as how you see yourself. And the relation of borderline personality to schizophrenia has long been debated, 14, 33—35 it is likely that if there is a border with a biological illness, it is closer to affective illness 36—39 without being completely tangential to it. Those with NPD also tend to have a dysfunctional sex sincere; however, their situation is a little different because their problem is with a lack of. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to manage the normal ups and downs of a romantic partnership. We should be more accepting, less prejudiced against them and more helpful in order to solve this autobus of labelling. The patient does not learn to tolerate negative affects associated with separation 48, 49; borderline personality disorder lack of sex continues the child's clinging into adulthood, as if others were desperately needed parts of the self. I've been diagnosed BPD for six years. What planet are you living on where caballeros only start cheating and lying and abusing their partners when their partner wants to leave them?.

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